Graham Linehan and Adam Buxton Pilot New Si-Fi Sitcom

Graham Linehan and Adam Buxton Pilot New Si-Fi Sitcom ‘The Cloud’ If, like me, you are a fan of both Graham Linehan and Adam Buxton, then this writing collaboration is good news for you. ‘The Cloud’ will be a sitcom from space, set on Cloud Station 13 which is a hub to store all valuableContinue reading “Graham Linehan and Adam Buxton Pilot New Si-Fi Sitcom”

Home Truths on Business

Punchline has been featured on Scot-Buzz in relation to Scotland’s home-based businesses, and the vital contribution they make to Scotland’s economy. Home-based enterprises account for half of all Scottish businesses and sustain nearly one in five private sector jobs in Scotland, according to new research by FSB in Scotland. Words by Ruth Mckay PUNCHLINE WithContinue reading “Home Truths on Business”