BEASTS answer Punchline’s Burning Questions

Photograph of BEASTSWhat is the best advice for a new performer in Edinburgh?


See as much as you can.

What is the best advice for a new festival goer?

See as much as you can. Or alternatively, just come and see BEASTS every single day.

What do you have to have in your fridge during August?

Honestly, just milk. We cook next to nothing. It’s a steady diet of paninis and crisps. September is basically just sleeping and detox.

What is the weirdest after-show comment you have had from an audience member?

The other day an audience member came up and pressed a fiver into James’ hand, which was weird because they’d already bought a ticket.

Which living person would you like to spot in your audience?

Elvis (we still believe).

What is the best non-Fringe thing about the city of Edinburgh?

It’s just so ruddy bloody beautiful. Also, the queues in Primark are shorter here.

How do you relieve Fringe cabin fever?

A day out at the beach can make the world of difference.

Who or what last made you laugh like a hyena at the Fringe?

Phil Dunning. He’s brilliant and mad and very very funny.

Tell us about your 2016 show.

It’s kind of a pageant meets game-show meets sketch-show. The three of us compete for the title of Mr. Edinburgh 2016, and depending on who wins on any given night there are three alternative endings. It certainly keeps us on our toes.

What are the best shows at the Fringe apart from yours?

Birthday Girls’ new show is an absolute blast. Also we’re very annoyed we clash with Mr Swallow’s Houdini – we’d love to see that.

When you go home and your friends say “How was Edinburgh?”, what will you say?

“It was amazing. Now can we have a year off?”


 Catch BEASTS Present Mr Edinburgh 2016 at 7pm at Pleasance Dome until 29 August

Published by Punchline

Your secret source of comedy knowledge at the Edinburgh Fringe

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