Impertinent Questions for Stuart McPherson

Stuart McPhersonWhat is your favourite synonym for “bum”?

Personally, in general conversation in my own accent I can’t really see past ‘arse’. ‘Bot-bot’ is enjoyable when the time is right, though, and I love hearing English people say ‘batty’ cause I never expect it.

Whose swearing makes you laugh the most?

My friend Nick’s Mum Elaine.

Who should come to see your show and why?

Everyone is more than welcome, but my dream audience would be nice people who love comedy. Realistically, the closer you are to my experience (mid-twenties, skint, hopeless etc) the more you’ll relate to it but I like to think I’ve written it for all ages and types and also that relating to things is overrated. And why? Why not, hombre!

Who are you excited about seeing this year?

I’ve not had a proper look yet this year but there are some people I always seek out. John Kearns, Lou Sanders, John Robins and Alfie Brown are all favourites and doing shows this year I believe.

Imagine you come off stage and find a wish come true. Which food/drink/present/person would be waiting for you?

The Cafe Rodi ‘Rodi Wrap’. My favourite dish from my favourite cafe in Dundee when I studied there. Sort of creamy cajuny chicken and veg in a wrap. Rest in peace, Rodi, gone too soon.

Describe your perfect day at the Fringe. 

2 or 3 mates, 2 meals, 6 pints, 3 solo shows and then an alternative late night piss about like Bearcat Podcast (Podcast) and – crucially – for me to not have any gigs to worry about. Essentially every day at the Fringe when I used to come as a punter.

How long does it take to come down after a show and how do you do it?

Depends on the gig but often quite a while. I usually just ride it out and stay up til 3 or 4 then sleep in til noon. I don’t got nowhere to be!

In the game “Would You Rather?” what’s the hardest choice you have had to make?

Chop up Dad

What’s your favourite Brexit metaphor?

Let’s go with James Acaster’s Peppermint tea metaphor. The biggest and best.

Who or what helped you believe you were going to make it in comedy?

A lot of kind people have helped me, and continue to, but I remain sceptical.

Tell us something your agent doesn’t want us to know.

I don’t have an agent, and don’t want to do what I have on good authority someone did recently and pretend to be my own agent over the phone by doing a different voice. Some comics are wild.


Buy tickets for Stuart McPherson: Mr. November here

1.55pm | Monkey Barrel | 1-12, 14-25 Aug

Published by Punchline

Your secret source of comedy knowledge at the Edinburgh Fringe

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